We all love golf and playing outdoors is one of the many reasons we enjoy the game. However, playing on a golf course, outside, with other people around comes with certain restrictions, and at times, isn't even possible.
Here are 7 ways in which indoor golf trumps the outdoor course.
Cold on tap
It's hot, you are dehydrated from the blazing sun and zig zagging across the fairway. You reach into your bag and grab a bottle of water/fizzy or maybe something harder (we don't cast judgements here). It's all shaken up, warm and you've only got room for 1 or 2. Here at Outtabounds we have a bar less than 5 yards from the hitting area with cold refreshing drinks anytime you want one!

The English weather
Perhaps an obvious one at number 2, but the weather plays a major role in the enjoyment factor of on course golf. Here in the UK the weather changes frequently.
Rain, snow and heatwaves are no match for the air-conditioned luxury of the Outtabounds indoor golf simulator. There’s no mud to clog up your clubs and the sunshine never goes down! You can play golf any time of day and any day of the year.
Lost balls
This one can be quite a cost saving for some and certainly a time saving. You won't be treacherously teetering over a ditch to retrieve your ball at Outtabounds nor spending 5 minutes with all the group scouring the long rough for your precious pro v1.
Where ever you virtually hit the ball at Outtabounds the computer knows exactly where it's gone and the ball you hit will be no more than 4 yards away at the bottom of the screen ready for you to collect.
Walking is good for you. There is no doubting the benefits physically or mentally on your health. However, 18 holes can be a lot, and for some, impossible.
Not only can you rest your legs at Outtabounds, you can play your next shot straight away without delay, speeding up your round. Your group will also never be split on the sides of the fairway so you can maximise your time together.

Speed of play
Especially at peak times, it can be quite frustrating waiting for the green in front to clear. You've hit a great drive in to position A, you're pumped and ready for your next shot... but you have to wait 5 minutes for the green to clear. By now you've lost the flow and proceed to fat it a meer 30 yards in front of you.
There is no such problem at Outtabounds. You also don't need to worry about holding up the 2 scratch golfers playing behind you, hands on hips watching you 3-putt from 20 feet.
Arguably, the worst part about playing on the course is getting off the first tee successfully. There may be several groups and the club pro watching in silence as you prepare to top your first drive of the day. Or, maybe a clubhouse full of golfers watching your approach on the 18th and missed putt.
At Outtabounds you only have 1 friendly member of staff who is very much on your side and you can even tip them to get a "free" mulligan! Then all you've got to worry about is the banter from your mates.
This works 2 ways on the course. You hear the shout FORE RIGHT so you duck and cover behind your bag only for the ball to trickle gentle 5 yards in front of you. More embarrassing though is the slice that goes 2 fairways off-target and you need to walk past 3 groups to retrieve and possibly play your ball. All the while holding up these groups while they watch you attempt to get the ball back on at least your own fairway.
The Outtabounds fully-padded-enclosure is built to deal with even the harshest of hooks, slices and shanks so you won't need to raise your voice to shout fore or worry about breaking a window in the housing estate just off the 14th fairway.
If you would like to book a session at Outtabounds, click here.
The Outtabounds indoor golf simulator is located in Beeston, Nottingham at NG9 5BB.